Saturday, July 31, 2010


Hello family, friends, and well-wishers! This here is our blog of our journey and adventure to the land of the morning calm. Here I hope to keep an update of our experiences, travels, and trials of living life in a new country.

For all of you who do not yet know our upcoming travel plans...the family (minus the cat) will be moving to Seoul, South Korea for a year. David will be teaching/researching at Yonsei University while the kids and I try to navigate everyday life.

We are 12 days out to our departure time and the family is starting to get ready. Yes, I did say start. Packing begins and the kids are ready. Ruthie has been asking if we need to pack since the beginning of July.

So, I have finally purchased all the suitcases needed. Hard to believe that I'm going to have to fit a year of our lives into these things. Could you do it? I'm not so sure I can.

Look who thinks she is going!

Maybe if she ducks down low enough, no one will notice her. Sneaky!

I hope to keep in touch with everyone while we are there and will post regularly.
(Goodbye in Korean)

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